More than 20 years ago, the Fire Detection Installers Association (FDIA) was formed, when like-minded people within the fire detection and gas suppression industry got together with a single goal in mind and that was of uplifting the fire detection and gas suppression industry. The association is not a government or regulatory body but an association whose members are committed to comply with the national standards regarding Fire Detection and Alarm Systems and Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems whilst adhering to a set code of ethics. The FDIA has always operated as a non-profit organisation, with a committee made up of volunteers within the industry who sacrifice their time at no charge to the association and gain no other benefit other than to see the upliftment of the industry.

Before the FDIA was formed, Fire Detection and Alarm Systems and Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems were based on the individual philosophy thought up by the installation companies or system designers, designed around the budget of the end user, rather than the actual system requirement needed to ensure that life and property were protected and there was no national standard on fire detection to refer to. There was a feeling of designing and installing down to a budget and not up to a standard.

With the lack of national standards, conformity was near impossible. Each end user would have to accept their system would work in the event of a fire – simply because the installer said so.

It was in the early days of the FDIA, that the need for installation standards became a priority. At that stage, the FDIA pushed the SABS and SANS to adopt the BS 5839-1 standard, this was the first and biggest step taken towards uplifting the industry.

21 years down the line the FDIA continues to push towards uplifting the industry. The committee is actively involved in and driving the updating of standards to ensure that best practice is always followed.

Below are some of the contributions, among others, that the FDIA has given to the industry in the recent past:

=> Ensuring correct cable is used in Fire Detection and Alarm Systems and Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems installations.

=> Gaseous Fire Suppression System warning device requirements were poorly documented, so the FDIA drove for conformity, ensuring the entire industry followed the same philosophy.

=> Setting the foundation to start the SAQCC-Fire D&GS division and pushing for the training and registration of technicians.

To date, the FDIA has been an integral part of getting the Fire Detection and Alarm Systems and Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems industry to where it is now. The FDIA and its members continue to take pride in our achievements.

All our members are required to be the best that they can within our industry. We encourage all companies working within the Fire Detection and Alarm Systems and Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems industry to become members. The criteria to become a member is very achievable and fits in line with our mission of uplifting the industry, thus protecting the end user and ensuring that life and property are protected.

To find out more about the FDIA, please log onto our website

Let’s Work Together

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